
Showing posts from August, 2017


Driving is one of the few things, which I really love! I can say, I conquered my many fears, by learning to drive! It took quite sometime, for me to drive, after coming to this country! But I did! And I really enjoy, feel accomplished and satisfied. It satisfies and makes me feel proud of myself, when I drive. But I never drove on a high way, long distance, and long distance in night or on a construction road, without shoulder nor drove, on narrow lanes, where big, huge, gigantic trucks, pass by you or in front of you or behind you, intimidating! This time, for the first time in our life, we thought we will drive, to our friend's house in Lansing and from there to Chicago and back home! Well, thats too much of distance to drive, almost 2000 miles all together! Even my husband has not done so much driving. We thought, since kids are growing up...they might enjoy and co-operate and appreciate driving. We went 10 day trip, 4 days pretty much driving! Since most of our drivin