
Driving is one of the few things, which I really love! I can say, I conquered my many fears, by learning to drive! It took quite sometime, for me to drive, after coming to this country! But I did! And I really enjoy, feel accomplished and satisfied. It satisfies and makes me feel proud of myself, when I drive.

But I never drove on a high way, long distance, and long distance in night or on a construction road, without shoulder nor drove, on narrow lanes, where big, huge, gigantic trucks, pass by you or in front of you or behind you, intimidating!

This time, for the first time in our life, we thought we will drive, to our friend's house in Lansing and from there to Chicago and back home! Well, thats too much of distance to drive, almost 2000 miles all together! Even my husband has not done so much driving. We thought, since kids are growing up...they might enjoy and co-operate and appreciate driving.

We went 10 day trip, 4 days pretty much driving! Since most of our driving, we need to do in Pennsylvania and pass through Pittsburgh city, we thought we will stop over in Pittsburgh, over night, and visit Sri Venkateshwara Temple, which is located on Penn hills.

Pennsylvania has a diverse terrain, which includes, farmland, national forests and mountains.  The drive is peaceful and scenic since you will be driving between mountains and farmland.  My husband insist that I should drive, since I love driving!

So I drove!! I drove through those mountains, 80 miles per hour! I learnt a lot about highway driving. And I can say, my husband is the best teacher in teaching me to drive, he guided me when to slow down, when to take exits, and how to navigate from left lane to right and from right to left lanes!

The above picture I took, when he was driving, its beautiful mountains on both sides.  When I was driving through those mountains, I remembered my Dad, my Appa! Who would be on "cloud nine", seeing me driving, 80 miles per hour, on narrow lanes, in dark night at 11.30, on construction roads....! He would be more than proud and happy, I guess no words can describe how happy he would be, about his daughter's driving!

There is a special thing about me driving! As I mentioned, the fear factor! My Dad would be happy that I conquered fear!! And I can't express how much I missed my Dad, while I was driving...! I wish I could drive him, I wish he could have seen me driving! It never happened!

But all along, I felt he was right there, guiding me, blessing me, very happy seeing me driving! According to our cultural belief, after death, the person has to go through a long tough, journey, for one year, without food and water, to reach the destination, "Vaikuntha", to reach Lord Vishnu! The journey would be difficult, since they travel on mountains, rough areas, with waterfalls, without food and water. I just felt he was there somewhere, on his journey, on those mountains, alongside, with me!!

No, I don't nor imagined him on a rough hard journey! But just felt he might be coming along with me!

But Appa (Dad), I don't know all these......all I know is, I love you and miss you terribly and I was thinking of you the whole journey, while I was driving! All I know is, am sure you will be very very happy and proud that your daughter drove 880 miles, conquering the fear! And I regret and regret, that you could not see me driving!

Of course, when I could drive night times, on construction roads, with intimidating trucks next to me, I would have definitely enjoyed my coffee! YES! I was sipping coffee in between, which was a stress buster for me! And also imagined, if Appa was next to me, he would have been looking through the window and sipping coffee with me...!


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