
Showing posts from August, 2020


It’s been a while, I we are all in the middle of Pandemic, well, am assuming middle of pandemic, whether we are in the middle, end or still in the beginning, time will let us know! Actually not busy, is life, as it used to be 5 months before. Yet, some kind of anxiousness all the time, keeps you occupied and not allowing you to do things or enjoy things you would used to do, before.  So I haven’t blogged though I felt many times!  Past 48 hours there was power outage because of hurricane and strong fierce full winds and rain.  As the trees fell and electric poles fell, it disrupted the entire state’s power supply, leaving people in anger and frustration. As it’s hot summer, without Air conditioning it’s miserable. All the food in freezer and refrigerator gone bad and had to throw the food. Husband’s official work got disrupted as there is no power or internet connection.   But power came back after 48 hours, and this morning, we lost power for few mins, but came back.  Y