
It’s been a while, I blogged.....as we are all in the middle of Pandemic, well, am assuming middle of pandemic, whether we are in the middle, end or still in the beginning, time will let us know! Actually not busy, is life, as it used to be 5 months before. Yet, some kind of anxiousness all the time, keeps you occupied and not allowing you to do things or enjoy things you would used to do, before.  So I haven’t blogged though I felt many times! 

Past 48 hours there was power outage because of hurricane and strong fierce full winds and rain.  As the trees fell and electric poles fell, it disrupted the entire state’s power supply, leaving people in anger and frustration. As it’s hot summer, without Air conditioning it’s miserable. All the food in freezer and refrigerator gone bad and had to throw the food. Husband’s official work got disrupted as there is no power or internet connection.  

But power came back after 48 hours, and this morning, we lost power for few mins, but came back.  Yes life was disrupted and yes, we could get the generator and which case, we don’t have to throw food nor eat dinner in dark and sleep in basement and spend entire day in basement as it is cooler. 

But the question is just because you can buy generator, should you buy it?? Or just go with the flow, allow life to disrupt sometimes.....it’s okay to go with the flow, always not fixing it, is also okay! No matter how much you try to fix things in life, no matter how much you plan wise or ahead, sometimes life do get disrupt and go upside down! 

Or think and take this as an opportunity to learn a new aspect of life! Or see this in a positive way, instead of saying, eating dinner in dark, you can reconstruct and say, ‘we enjoyed candle light dinner, together ,sitting at the table, having some fun conversations’, as suppose to sitting on the sofa, holding dinner plates in hand eating, watching tv, not talking nor enjoying the food and getting up 10 times, to refill the food....! Was so much fun, playing ‘Chowka-Bara’ board game, in the basement, with candle lights on and having some warm ‘Badam/almond milk’, and sleeping on the floor(mattress), everyone together, was so much fun and relaxing and a great way to connect in these hard times we are going through...! 

I feel we grow with these experiences and of course our kids too, will learn to live without basic things! Life is still,possible, can be beautiful, more fun without many things in life! 

I just remembered all those moments of my childhood, which was kind of day to day, where power used to go, but life never stopped or changed nor disrupted! I remember holding Appa’s hand and going for a walk in the dark night, to ‘ajji mane/grand mother’s house’, laughing and talking out loud in the street.

Yesterday after dinner, when my husband went out in the dark to keep the garbage out, we all went out with a torch and felt weather was so pleasant, that we just took a small walk, in the dark night! It was so much exciting for me, for my husband and kids too.  The crickets were chirping loud and it was totally dark without street lights, faintly can see candle/torch lights from inside the houses, definitely brought back all those wonderful memories of my childhood! 

We were actually started to get use of the new norm....and when suddenly the power came on in the middle of the night, just felt....really it came back, that’s all, all the fun things over? 

I remember what Appa used to say ‘Where there is a Will there is a Way’! If you are willing to see positivities in every things or turn every moment as learning experience or adapt to changes, then you can definitely be more peaceful and appreciative of life! 

Had my first Starbucks coffee, first time in 5 months! Felt very good, I must say!  This phase will pass.....we are all in this, together! Stay safe, stay healthy everyone! 


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