God Helps......

Couple of weeks ago,  I was watching a movie...a Hindi movie or wait a minute, I cannot recollect, which language....these days I watch movies, and it can be Hindi/Kannada/English...so I am unable to recollect which language movie.  But I remember the phrase  in that movie which got registered in my head "God helps those who help themselves"!!!!

I remembered my Appa!  That was his favorite phrase, he used to always quote that phrase!  And he had a unique way of saying that phrase, he used to say "God helps....." and stop, and look at our faces, and one of us, used to complete it "those who help themselves"! He used to stop expecting either my mom or my brother or myself, to complete the phrase! And if nobody completes, he used repeat again, "God helps..." and finally one of us used to complete!!

Appa has explained the meaning of the phrase, which actually is so beautiful and very meaningful.  It emphasizes the importance of self initiative and has a deeper meaning. "God helps those who help themselves" is true for simple reason that, things tend to get done more if we get down and do them.  If we have our sincere effort and dedication, in what ever we do, definitely God will help us!

I can never forget this phrase, and the way Appa used to say it....! It motivates me, keep me moving, have faith in "HIM", and remember all those things which Appa taught, the life lessons!

Day before was Appa's birthday and a day after, today, is his monthly ceremony!! This can be the most weirdest coincidence, birth and death ceremonies back to back!! Its been 7 months, but not a single moment passed without remembering him, his voice, his talk, his lectures, the way he used to convincingly, patiently make us understand things..and he used to go to any extent to be authentic, if he gets a doubt, by referring books and used to get back to us. And just not us, to anybody, basically, so many people used to come to our house, with questions, doubts, problems, believing in Appa's ability to show a right direction, a path, which he believed! It might be relatives, friends, his students, or us, me or my brother or my mom....anybody...any question, doubt, problems, he used to find a solution!

His suggestions and solutions, used to give me peace of mind, relief and make me feel, the problem which looked like mountain was just molehill, thats how his words were, soothing, calming, peaceful!

Loosing that kind of a Father, Appa, is not been easy! People say lot of things...you have to move on, he was old, blah, blah.....!  But Appa is always Appa!  I miss him terribly and remember all those things he has taught us, and want to incorporate what he taught!

After writing this, feel like having some coffee....which is favorite, myself and Appa, but cannot afford to drink....which lands up in a sleepless night! 


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