Challenging times

Good morning!  In my part of the world it’s morning.  It’s the same sunrise, cloudy, it’s Saturday, spring has begun, a day like this, would have started busy, filled with enthusiasm.  But it’s the same sunrise and sunset and same cloudy, rainy, still chilly mornings, flowers blooming.....but there is, a huge amount of silence, a calmness, which is filled with scare! It’s irony that, nature has not stopped even a second but life has come to a state of stillness which is not healthy, which is not right.

As Appa always used to say, there are things beyond all these scientific reasonings and logic!! Which I feel at the every step of the way, now, is so true, so true.  There are things which are not under our control, nor money, power, science, intelligence can fix it, buy it or rectify the current situation!

As Appa would say in Sanskrit, ‘Budhi Karmanu Saarini’!  Means A man’s mind always function under the influence of past karmas’! So under current circumstances, this fits well.  The virus is spreading all over the world, but nobody is able to stop it, find a cure or control it, contain it! The virus is not sparing any one, it does not discriminate age, race, gender, status!!!!

Why we are not able to find a solution to this and whole world has come under the control of virus, which probably cannot be seen even under a microscope!? The reason we are ‘still’ not able to find a solution is, the redemption period has not yet come! That’s the reason we are mentally fogged and there is no clarity about what actually should be done.

At this challenging times, the only way to be sane, strong, is have ‘faith’, that after sunset there is a sunrise!! On the bright side, positive side, I see lot of people are doing meditation, deep breathing, free yoga online classes, chanting, homa, Pooja’s, in temples, though not open for public, there are priests who are coming to temples daily and performing all rituals for the welfare of whole community.

Hoping and wishing, we will all sail through this storm, together, yet keeping distance by staying home, staying safe and healthy.  As Appa would say ‘God helps those who help themselves’!! Let us stay home and pray and have faith and on a lighter note, have coffee, which can reduce headache!!


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